PVC Gris

Brush is critical in the sheet metal fabrication industry. It is versatile, affordable, long lasting, customizable, and prevents scratching. Nylon brush is the go-to material for the turret industry for these reasons. These concepts have been extended to workstations and press brakes to ease the manual handling and support of whatever material a facility may be working with. Brush can often reduce a multi-user job into a single-user job simply by reducing surface friction. We often see legacy materials such as carpet, duct tape, cardboard, and towels being used when a facility isn’t yet aware that brush is an option. These solutions don’t allow debris or burrs to fall away from the material and often lead to marring or scratching. This is incredibly frustrating if this occurs in the final stages of fabrication. With the rising costs of material this can be devastating to bossiness. Because brush panels raise the material above the surface, the debris falls away and therefore eliminates the risk of damage.